Coffee does not dehydrate you (and other coffee myths debunked)
There are many stories about coffee around. We often hear it: coffee is healthy, coffee is unhealthy, it helps with sobering, dries your body, increases cholesterol and more. Coffee Pirate has researched three well-known coffee myths:

Myth 1: 'Coffee dries you out or dehydrates the drinker'

Many people do it: order a cup of water with their coffee. You see it in cafes, restaurants, with your friends, everyone balances coffee with water. Because: coffee dries you out. However, this is not true. According to the food center * 2-4 cups of coffee contribute to the 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid that an adult should drink per day. So that extra cup or water is not necessary, but useful to get the rest of your fluid intake.

Myth 2: 'Coffee is sobering'

You have drunk a bit too much, what are you doing? You drink a cup or coffee and you are ready for it again. Unfortunately, it is a myth that coffee makes you sober. Coffee does not help to break down alcohol faster, so you do not suddenly become sober again. However, it can help to give you some energy again. So you can not drive home, but you will prevent you from falling asleep in the taxi.

Myth 3: 'Coffee is not a part of a balanced diet'

Coffee drinking is often seen as an unhealthy habit. There is a core of truth: too much caffeine, sugar, syrups and whipped cream can lead to an unhealthy diet. Fortunately, this is not the whole story. Coffee is also in the disk or five of the food center *! Drinking a few cups or coffee a day can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, as mentioned above, coffee helps your body to become hydrated. In addition, there are no calories in coffee.

As with everything in life, this is mainly about degree. Drink coffee without fuss (because: sugar), no more than four cups a day (because: caffeine) and well filtered (because: less Cafestol that increases LDL cholesterol) and you're good.

Read more about Cafestol and what coffee you can drink.